Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why did the standard of medical treatment improve so rapidly during the Twentieth century Free Essays

There are many reasons as to why the standard of medical treatment improved so rapidly during the twentieth century. But there were four main factors that triggered the diversion of medical treatment and those are war, government, technology and individuals. War played a big role in the improvement of standard of living, war was something that shouldn’t have happened due to millions of deaths but it did trigger a spark, a sudden development of treatment in order to save lives of soldiers quickly before they died. We will write a custom essay sample on Why did the standard of medical treatment improve so rapidly during the Twentieth century? or any similar topic only for you Order Now World war one and world war two are just to name a few and in world war 1 in particularly soldiers had lost a lot of blood and as a result died of blood loss. As a result of the loss of lives for this specific reason, blood transfusion was developed. There were many shell shocks where soldiers were traumatized by the event and so psychology was soon developed where doctors specialised in physiotherapy to help soldiers go through the traumas and stress of the world war. Furthermore through gun shots, many had faced terrible injuries where they lost limbs and so prosthetic limbs were developed and this resulted in soldiers being able to walk again like they previously could. World war two also came as a great shock and as this had happened later after the 1st world war there were developments in nuclear weapons and other substances that can be used against their enemy. Aeroplanes were now used to drop the nuclear bombs at opponent but in the plane itself is a different story where while in air, pilots are burnt to death due to the fuels. Many sadly die however there is a minority that survive but have burnt or damaged skin that are permanently damaged and for this plastic sugary was developed. This helped soldiers fix up their face till you could not even tell their face or body was damaged in the first place. Due to the sudden wars and demand for medical care, many realised in the process that there were no enough hospitals and so more hospitals were built for medical care. There was the government who also played a role in the development of medicine too because without the government it would have not enforced the public and therefore people would’ve done what they wanted. The government is n charge of finance and to fund medication for when medicine is prescribed from the GP to just getting normal tablets like paracetamol. But government is the one that controls the legalisation system where there make a law to have a vaccine done for example or else you would get a fine so it makes it compulsory to get the vaccine in safety for the nation. It means that everyone needs to have the vaccine. Furthermore it is the government which funded the starting of the NHS, the national health system. This was a beneficial system for every one of all ages as it made a great difference as most of what you need like medication is given for free. Previously you would also have to pay the GP however this wasn’t the case anymore and you would only need to pay for prescription which only cost a few pounds. In the case of undergoing an operation, that too would be free so it was a great help to everyone. However in order to fund the NHS, national insurance was paid from every person who’s employed where before they receive the wage, the national insurance would be subtracted from the wage. Between 1948 and 1949, ?373 million was spent on NHS, this is a quite a large figure so the government is taking in charge of a big service in welfare of the public health. How to cite Why did the standard of medical treatment improve so rapidly during the Twentieth century?, Papers

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